Our Team

Profile Picture of Me (2).jpg

Chris Clarke - Purchasing Alliance Manager (he/him)

After years of feeling that there was more to life than what school and growing up in the DC area had offered, Chris took his degree in Economics and minor in Spanish and joined the Peace Corps. He was sent to rural Costa Rica as a Community Economic Development Advisor and stayed for a third year to work as a micro finance consultant forming community banks. His journey continued and drew him to 3 years of study of Permaculture design and nature connection mentoring in the SF Bay area where he worked as a landscape designer, educator, and youth mentor.

He moved to Weaverville, his wife’s hometown, in 2020 and was excited to join Cooperate WNC and to put his various skills to work on a much-needed project.

Chris is continuing to explore how fully alive humans live, how to develop resilience on various levels, and how he can best contribute to leaving the planet better than he found it for future generations. When he’s not working you can find him practicing yoga, meditating, cooking, or exploring Reem’s Creek.

Reach out to Chris if you are interested in learning more about the Purchasing Alliance or if you have an item available for bulk purchase:
